Pam McPhail
A mother goose sits next to her goslings on her nest next to the entryway to Friendly’s in Watertown.
Friendly’s restaurant on Arsenal Street has a new attraction, and it’s not an item on the menu – it’s a new family of geese.
A pair of Canada Geese has made their home on the small grassy patch in front of Friendly’s for about four years, said manager Pam McPhail, but this year something new happened.
“The mama began picking feathers from her down and made and made a nest,” McPhail said. “Then one day she left an egg and left another every day for the next seven days.”
That was about six weeks ago, and this week the fuzzy yellow goslings began to emerge. As of Wednesday morning five of eight eggs had hatched.

Pam McPhail
The mother and father geese have made this grassy patch on Arsenal Street their home for four years and this spring they have a family.
In the morning, the geese start walking around, and McPhail believes they are looking for water. The Charles River is not far, but to get there they must cross Arsenal Street and get around the Arsenal Mall.
On Wednesday, a greeter from the restaurant escorted the group so they would not get hurt.
The nest sits right next to the entryway to Friendly’s and a cup of water and some crackers and quinoa has been put out for the geese to snack on. The waterfowl have become a hit for many customers.
“We had one gentleman from Texas in Boston for business and he was so enthralled that he is emailing us constantly for updates,” McPhail said.

Pam McPhail
Mama goose stands over her eggs which she laid about six weeks ago.