The traveling replica of the Vietnam Memorial, known as the Moving Wall, will be on display at Gore Place this summer.
Watertown Veterans Agent Mark Comeiro said the wall would be on display in August, and on one of the days Watertown will take part in ceremonies surrounding the wall.
Color guards from the Watertown Police and Fire departments will be involved along with veterans groups, he told the Town Council.
The wall is a half-size replica of the memorial in Washington, D.C., which lists the names of those killed in the Vietnam War. There are actually two Moving Walls, according to the Moving Wall website.
One of the walls will be at Gore Place from Aug. 10-15, and the wall is open to visit 24-hour a day, according to a website set up about the Waltham visit. Gore Place is located just over the line in Waltham, at 52 Gore St. just off Main Street.
The wall came to Gore Place in 2005, and drew big crowds. See a YouTube video about the visit by clicking here.