Wayside Multi Service Center
Birds made their nest on some emergency lights at the Wayside Multi Service Center in Watertown.
Each spring brings a burst of life, with trees and flowers blooming and wildlife welcoming their young. One pair of birds decided to make their nest not in a tree but on top of some emergency lights at the Wayside Multi-Service Center on North Beacon Street in Watertown.
The birds built the next a few weeks ago on the emergency lights over the handicap accessible ramp at the center. Recently they hatched, and now the young birds can be seen peaking their beaks out and are close to being able to take their first flights.
“We nurture everyone at the Multi,” said Wayside Program Director Laura Kurman.
The Wayside Multi-Service Center provides a variety of social services and is home to the Watertown Youth Coalition and the Watertown Social Services Resource Specialist.