Watertown Man Authors Illustrated Book About Bullying

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The book is based on the experiences of Watertown's Fred Grandinetti and actor Cuyle Carvin, whom Grandinetti has worked with in the past.

The book about bullying is based on the experiences of Watertown’s Fred Grandinetti and actor Cuyle Carvin, whom Grandinetti has worked with in the past.

Local author and cable television host Fred M. Grandinetti recently released a new illustrated book about bullying, based on his own experiences, teaming up with actor Cuyle Carvin.

Grandinetti sent oft the following information:

Despite having written five publications, numerous articles for newspapers, magazines and websites plus hosting an award winning television series Grandinetti says, “I have little confidence in myself. Whenever I am given a new project whether at work or home my anxiety levels kick up. I attribute this behavior to being called a loser throughout my years in the public school system. I also suffered a lot of physical abuse. When I walked by Victory Field the entire football team stopped practicing just to scream out (a gay epithet at me). This repeated behavior has long lasting effects on the victim and I don’t think people understand the consequences.”

Illustrations from the book about bullying written by Fred Grandinetti and drawn by David Hudon.

Illustrations from the book about bullying written by Fred Grandinetti and drawn by David Hudon.

Actor Cuyle Carvin’s credits include Hawaii Five-0, Criminal Minds, NCIS, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Love by the Book, Assault of the Sasquatch, Alien Opponent and Fog Warning. While Carvin was in high school he was admired for his skills on the football field. He referred to himself as a “jock” and witnessed others harassing students. Carvin chose to befriend a victim rather than join in on the taunting.

“I met Cuyle 7 years ago when I needed an actor for a water safety segment on my series Drawing With Fred. When we discussed our mutual bullying situation I thought this would make an interesting book,” Grandinetti said.

From left to right, Illustrator David Hudon, Author and actor Cuyle Carvin in a scene from Hawaii Five-O and author Fred M. Grandinetti.

Fred Grandinetti

From left to right, Illustrator David Hudon, Author and actor Cuyle Carvin in a scene from Hawaii Five-O and author Fred M. Grandinetti.

The publication, Different Worlds, Best of Friends, is formatted in comic book style. It is illustrated by graphic artist David Hudon. Hudon, a Tyngsboro resident, was also a victim of bullies during his school years.

The book begins with Grandinetti and Carvin’s time in public school dealing with bullies. Eventually it progresses explaining to how they met. Today Grandinetti uses his public relations skills to arrange interviews for Carvin with various media outlets.

“Aside from being a talented actor Cuyle is an outstanding human being and deserves the success which comes his way,” Grandinetti said.

The book is priced at $7 and can be ordered by check or money order sent to:

Fred Grandinetti
96 Edenfield Ave.
Watertown, MA 02472

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