Woman Riding 200 Miles to Help Bring Salad Bar to Watertown School

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ChopChop Magazine

Jenn LaVardera will be bicycling 200 miles to raise money to put in a salad bar in a Watertown school.

Jenn LaVardera will be bicycling 200 miles to raise money to put in a salad bar in a Watertown school.

ChopChop Magazine

Registered dietitian Jenn LaVardera will be bicycling 200 miles to raise money to put in a salad bar in a Watertown school.

Watertown-based ChopChop magazine encourages children and families to eat healthier, and in the latest issue the magazine interviewed a woman who will bicycle 200 miles in California to bring salad bars to Watertown’s schools.

Jenn LaVardera works for Dole, and will be riding in the Tour de Fresh, which goes from from Napa Valley to Monterey to raise money for “Move Salad Bars to Schools” in Watertown.

The registered dietitian told ChopChop about bicycling, and why she wants to help bring salad bars to schools.

“Fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods on the planet. They have so many nutrients that keep your body healthy and strong. Kids spend a lot of time at school, so it’s important that they have nutritious food available for lunch every single day,” LaVardera said.

Read the entire interview by going to: http://www.chopchopmag.org/blog/who-we-love-jenn-lavardera

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