Town Houses Proposed to Go on Watertown Masonic Temple Site

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A view of the proposed townhouses on Church Street on the Masonic Lodge property.

A view of the proposed townhouses on Church Street on the Masonic Lodge property.

A view of the proposed townhouses on Church Street on the Masonic Lodge property.

A community meeting will be held to discuss plans to redevelop the Masonic Temple on Church Street and put townhouses on the site.

Petitioner PNG, LLC will host the meeting on Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Community Room in the Watertown Police Station, 552 Main St.

Before the project is built a special permit must be approved.

The plan calls for building five townhouses in two buildings on the Masonic Center at 32 Church St. (across from First Parish Church) which sits on a 17,685 square foot lot.

Another view of the proposed townhouses, looking south on Church Street.

Another view of the proposed townhouses, looking south on Church Street.

Each townhouse would have three bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms with a small garden. Three units will have porches and two will have decks. The buildings would be 2.5 stories and 33 feet tall.

The plan calls for two parking spots per unit (one in a garage). There will also be two visitor spots for the complex. Vehicles will enter and exit from a driveway off Church Place, a small street off Church Street.

Traffic will be about the same as the use of the site as the Masonic Lodge, according to the traffic study included in the submission to the Watertown Planning Department. The lodge has also been used in recent years by a church. The traffic would be much less than the church.

Significant stormwater improvements are planned.

See details about the project here, and see preliminary drawings here.

10 thoughts on “Town Houses Proposed to Go on Watertown Masonic Temple Site

  1. Just a point of information to the editor and all that read this article. The building at 32 church street is currently still a Masonic center not formally as the article states. Watertown has 2 active Masonic lodges that have regular activity on this property.

  2. Another point of interest is the Church has been there for thirty years this December and are just learning about this plan.
    And there are three Masonic lodges that are active in this building

    To tear down such a sacred and beautiful building is a crime
    It was built with sacred geometry and is a one of a kind

    The church is active with services every Sunday at 10:30 and actively supports the community and the Watertown Food pantry

  3. I agree with Susan – the design is very unappealing: two unimaginative green boxes to replace a beautiful old temple. Watertown deserves better.

  4. This is a very uninspiring design. It’s hard to believe Watertown is taking it’s redevelopment seriously when they’re allowing such terrible architecture to be built. This is nothing more than a shoebox with some windows punched in it from another cookie cutter developer. I don’t have a problem with developing the site, but if it’s going to be done at least do it right.

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