Thief Uses Unusual Method to Rob Watertown Gas Station

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Watertown Police Cruiser

Like something you would see on a television show, a Watertown gas station was robbed when someone cut through a wall and stole money from the office safe.

On July 25 at 7:15 a.m., an employee of AAA Auto Service on Main Street discovered the safe in the gas station’s office was forced open. An undisclosed amount of money was taken, said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor.

“Sometime during the overnight hours someone went into the bathroom – the door of was left unlocked,” O’Connor said. “The person went in an chiseled through the cement block wall, which led to the office where the safe was.”

Just a couple blocks were missing from the wall, O’Connor said, but that was enough for the culprit to fit through.

Detectives processed the scene and are investigating the incident, O’Connor said.

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