Learn About Addiction and How to Save a Life at a Free Forum in Watertown

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The WATERtown Task Force on Substance Abuse will sponsor a forum about addiction and recovery in September.

The public forum, which is co-sponsored by the task force and St. James Armenian Church, will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 7-9 p.m. at St. James Armenian Church, 465 Mount Auburn St., Watertown.

The program will include the story of a person in recovery, preventing substance use disorder, tips for parents, current statistics on opioid use and the science of opioid use.


  • Colleen T. LaBelle, MSN RN-BC CARN, Program Director STATE OBAT, Nurse Manager BMC OBAT, Executive Director MA IntNSA, Boston Medical Center
  • Deirdre Houtmeyers, R.N. Certified Addictions R.N., Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor/Domestic Violence Counselor, President & CEO St. Mary’s Center for Women and Children
  • Dr. Laura Kehoe, Assistant Physician and Medical Director of the Substance Use Disorder Bridge Clinic at MA General Hospital; co-chair of the hospital-wide Substance Use Disorder Education Committee, and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
  • Peter Airasian, Life-long Watertown resident, co-founder of Watertown Overcoming Addiction, W.A.T.E.R.town Task Force member, Speaker on addiction and person in long-term recovery

W.A.T.E.R.town Task Force is supported in part by: Mt. Auburn Hospital Community Health Program

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