5 thoughts on “Council Changes Rules for Sidewalk Grass Strips, But Still Preferred

  1. Terrible decision. The whole ambience of Watertown is that of a community with pedestrian friendly sidewalks and grass strips separating the pedestrians from vehicular traffic. We already have too many of Watertown’s streets without curbs that help to confine vehicular traffic to roadways they belong on; eliminate the grass strips and we’ll succumb to a trailer park community with vehicles parked on sidewalks and lawns. Don’t eliminate the grass strips, BUILD MORE CURBS!

  2. Curbs and planting strips will continue to be required when streets are repaired. This vote pertained only to clarifying procedures when small sections of sidewalk are repaired. Where there is no curb, it is easy for the grass strips to be washed away, as the first comment indicated.

  3. We need more curbs and grassy strips. Making it optional seems like a terrible idea that will lead to less green, less stormwater protection, fewer trees planted on the street, and wider asphalt driveways with unsightly repairs. Those strips of concrete with holes for grass people are putting over the soil become (illegal?) parking spaces and again cut down on green. With curbs there would not be erosion and perennials and grasses could easily be planted. The strips beautify, but also protect pedestrians. I don’t understand the concept behind the change at all.

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