Police Investigating String of Vandalism by BB Guns in Watertown

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Watertown Police Cruiser

Several residents around Watertown reported that their car windows had been broken by what appears to be a BB or pellet, Watertown Police said. 

The first damage was reported on the evening of Oct. 15, when a Fayette Street resident reported that the driver side window of a Honda Fit was shot and shattered by a BB or pellet, said Watertown Police Sgt. Tom Grady. The estimated cost for fixing the window is $250.

The following morning, at 6:50 a.m., police received several calls about broken car windows.

“They were spread out across the community,” Grady said.

The reports came from Marshall Street and Pearl Street, just north of Watertown Square; Aldrich Road south of the river; Charles River Road, east of the Square and Highland Avenue and Waltham Street on the Westside.

The damaged occurred overnight from Oct. 15 to 16, and in most cases, officers reported the driver side window was the one broken, Grady said.

Currently, there are no suspects, Grady said, but police continue to investigate the incidents. If you have any tips for police, call 617-972-6500.


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