12 thoughts on “Town Will Purchase House Near Library, Use it to Expand Community Path

  1. Thank you Angeline Kounelis and Michael Dattoli for voting No. I am sure that the one time money could have been used for a better purpose. We pay for the building, pay to have it torn down and disposed of, and then pay to make the property ready for a bike path, pave for the bike path, etc. What will the total cost be? Well over a million dollars I would think.

  2. $800,000 down the drain to finance a special interest project.

    Interesting that when the Town had a real need… namely a new Police Station, people refused to consider taking that same house by eminent domain. As a result, we tore down a School Building to build a Police Station. Now we have no room for students in classrooms. And BTW, the tenant in that school building was paying use $200,000 per year for maintenance of our schools. So we threw away over $2 million in rental income all these years.

    So now we’re going waste all this money to Bike Path! As if we don’t have enough of them, as if we haven’t screwed up traffic enough on major arteries with bike lanes, for the handful of people that use them.

    That by the way is the very definition of a Special Interest Group….. a subset of people, with a Special (unique, particular) desire or want, at the expense of everyone else!

    • You are 100% on the money Mr. DiMascio. But we all know that trying to keep the Police Station centralized would have gone against the pre ordained plan. And I’ll bet
      that one of the contributors to this particular story doesn’t even know what we’re talking about, nor does he even own property in Watertown.

      • Actually, he’s not on the money. The bike path could have been accomplished without buying the house, but would have cost parking spaces. So maybe you will find the purchase of the house easier to swallow if you think of it as preserving parking. Or do you consider drivers a “special interest group”.

  3. What the devil is so “special interest” about a bike path? All in the community and all visitors will be able to use it. It will give Watertown children an alternative way to get around without riding on roadways or sidewalks–a safety plus. Since it will eventually connect with trails that go all the way to North Station, it may help take traffic off the roads. Sounds like a community asset to me. An enhancement.

    • I would call this a case of special interest just on the grounds that a very small percentage of the town’s residents will use it, probably less than 3% and if that is good enough to spend $800,000 plus than what else can I say. How about a project that would benefit a much larger percentage of the population, there must be a couple of projects that folks could come up with. Even buying the property and razing its potential future use is better than a bike path. I am sure that if you ride a bike then you will not agree with me but my thoughts are my thoughts.

      • John, people said the same thing about the Minuteman bike path in Arlington and Lexington. It is now the most utilized bike path in the country. And you don’t have to ride a bike to use it–you can walk as well.

  4. Is this the type of project that could be financed through the CPA?
    I am completely serious and would like a real answer.
    Some of us citizens do better understanding real world examples 🙂

  5. Fact: The Patriots crushed Buffalo. Revenge is sweet.
    Fact: There is a thirty inch water pipe under the existing parking strip
    between the property in question and the bank parking lot that gravity
    feeds Fresh Pond from the Cambridge water supply located in Lexington
    – Lincoln – Weston & Waltham. So no structures can be built there.
    Fact: 800K to pick up 85 feet of property for a dozen extra parking spaces???

    Question: From the house, where is the bike path heading South Easterly???

    • Harry, eventually the path will link up to the path that will go directly to North Station, so it will be a serious boon to bicycle commuters.

      I don’t know exactly how the path will cross Mt. Auburn. I believe that is one of the more difficult problems to be solved.

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