Watertown’s Precinct-by-Precinct Results in the 2016 Presidential Election

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The votes have been tallied, and the results are in. See how your friends and neighbors voted for president, on legalizing marijuana and other state ballot questions.

While Donald Trump claimed victory in the race for President, Hillary Clinton took top rung in Watertown with 71 percent of the vote. Her best precinct was Precinct 10, on the Westside, where she got 1,366 votes. The 10th precinct was also Trump’s best, with 496. In terms of proportion of the vote, Clinton’s top showing was Precinct 4, where she got 78 percent, and Trump’s biggest proportion was in Precinct 11, where he got 28 percent

Clinton Trump Johnson Stein
Precinct 1 858 292 27 25
Precinct 2 1041 304 46 29
Precinct 3 1193 291 50 33
Precinct 4 1309 263 52 21
Precinct 5 1044 263 42 31
Precinct 6 1029 293 50 28
Precinct 7 1132 371 56 24
Precinct 8 1149 376 62 25
Precinct 9 977 268 57 25
Precinct 10 1366 496 73 36
Precinct 11 920 401 50 18
Precinct 12 924 303 60 25
TOTAL 12942 3921 625 320

Question 1, which asked to add another slot machine parlor license in Massachusetts, lost in Watertown (with 70 percent opposing) and statewide. The best precinct for “Yes” came in Precinct 10 where it got nearly 40 percent of the vote, and “No” got the best result in were in Precinct 4 where it got 77 percent of the vote.

Yes on 1 No on 1
Precinct 1 336 800
Precinct 2 419 974
Precinct 3 425 1126
Precinct 4 377 1253
Precinct 5 373 983
Precinct 6 392 980
Precinct 7 438 1151
Precinct 8 480 1094
Precinct 9 400 891
Precinct 10 665 1284
Precinct 11 531 815
Precinct 12 422 886
TOTAL 5258 12237

The charter school ballot question lost in Massachusetts, and again Watertown mirrored the result with 68 percent of voters voting “No.” Precinct 9 had the biggest percentage of “Yes” votes, with 36 percent. Several precincts had around 70 percent of their votes go to “No” on Question 2 – 2, 3, 8 and 10.

Yes on 2 No on 2
Precinct 1 412 762
Precinct 2 428 979
Precinct 3 484 1097
Precinct 4 574 1081
Precinct 5 461 911
Precinct 6 467 925
Precinct 7 504 1110
Precinct 8 488 1125
Precinct 9 486 845
Precinct 10 608 1375
Precinct 11 433 958
Precinct 12 412 920
TOTAL 5757 12088
A map of Watertown's Districts: Peach is A, Red is B, Lime Green is C, Green is D.

Town of Watertown

A map of Watertown’s Districts: Peach is A, Red is B, Lime Green is C, Green is D.

Watertown voters strongly backed Question 3 (82 percent), which prevents livestock from being kept in confined spaces. It also won statewide. The best precincts for the “Yes” campaign were 4 and 5, which were both around 85 percent. The best percentage for “No” on 3 was in Precinct 12, where it garnered 21 percent of the votes.

Yes on 3 No on 3
Precinct 1 933 237
Precinct 2 1176 236
Precinct 3 1329 260
Precinct 4 1414 250
Precinct 5 1168 215
Precinct 6 1130 266
Precinct 7 1325 294
Precinct 8 1338 280
Precinct 9 1090 233
Precinct 10 1576 413
Precinct 11 1124 269
Precinct 12 1047 280
TOTAL 14650 3233

The ballot question on legalizing recreational use of marijuana gained approval in Massachusetts, and Watertown voters favored it, too, with 60 percent backing it. The biggest “Yes” precinct was 5, where 65 percent of voters backed Question 4. Precinct 11 most strongly opposed it with 45 percent voting “No.”

Yes on 4 No on 4
Precinct 1 698 486
Precinct 2 890 528
Precinct 3 1025 561
Precinct 4 1053 611
Precinct 5 908 482
Precinct 6 842 561
Precinct 7 951 675
Precinct 8 987 645
Precinct 9 824 507
Precinct 10 1143 855
Precinct 11 771 632
Precinct 12 758 586
TOTAL 10850 7129

See the precinct by precinct voting on Question 5, the Community Preservation Act, and reaction from the victors by clicking here.

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