Time Running Out to Vote for Your Favorite Local Charity, Non-Profit

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There’s still about two weeks left to vote for your favorite local non-profit group or charity in the Watertown Savings Bank’s Customer Choice Awards. 

The bank will hand out $75,000 in funds based on how bank customers vote in the campaign.

Anyone with a Watertown Savings Bank account may vote. Every customer will receive a ballot with their monthly statements in November (or will be mailed a ballot directly). Ballots are also available at WSB branches. Bank customers can also go to the watertownsavings.com homepage to cast their vote. Customers may vote only once for their favorite local, non-profit organization.

Every qualified non-profit that earns at least one percent of the total votes received is awarded funds. Funds are distributed according to the voting results. To qualify the organization must serve the local community in some way and have 501c(3) status. Religious and political organizations are ineligible, but a charitable organization within a church community would be eligible

The deadline to vote is Saturday, December 31 at midnight. Every person who votes will be entered into a drawing to receive a $250 American Express Gift Card.

Funds will be distributed at an awards ceremony in March 2017. For further information please contact Kelly Cronin: kcronin@watertownsavings.com.

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