12 thoughts on “Mixed Retail/Residential Project on Pleasant Street Near River Approved

  1. It’s always been my understanding that you MUST have a window in a bedroom or it isn’t a bedroom at all. What’s the escape route in a fire if the doorway is blocked by smoke/fire?
    I’m amazed that another 99 units are approved when our schools and infrastructure are busting at the seams. How much more traffic can we add before we are stuck with gridlock?
    Why isn’t Watertown purchasing these lots and building schools?

  2. We need to invest in Watertown…why more rentals! We already have a large churn/turnover rate…please let people buy and own to stay for a good amount of time..not that all rentals churn but purchase has longer staying power…skin in the game!

  3. This sounds awful. Were there no architects or builders advising the planning board? It sounds as through the board was bullied into signing off on this project. On what planet are bedrooms deliberately designed without windows acceptable in new construction? I suspect closets were enlarged and called bedroom/office spaces.

  4. My understanding is that a bedroom has to have a window, a closet, and be a minimal size (70 square feet?). Not sure if I am correct. Can you please post the legal requirements. These so called studies will be turned into bedrooms by adding an IKEA wardrobe and doors or a screen after move-in. So much for standards.

  5. Did they even take the traffic on pleasant street into account at all? Its terrible as it is. Adding even more high density housing is a bad idea.

    • They talked about traffic at the first meeting. Developers are paying mitigation to make some improvements, including synchronizing the lights on either side of the bridge at Bridge Street. The other side is Newton, and the do not have the same system for their lights as Watertown. They will also have a Transportation Demand Management agreement to reduce the number of trips to and from the site. Some details about the mitigation can be found here: http://watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/21329

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