The group seeking to open a medical marijuana dispensary on Arlington Street told Watertown officials that they will not go forward with their application.
A Community Meeting had been scheduled for Thursday, March 30 for the applicant to inform the public about plans for the site. Earlier in the day, however, the Watertown Department of Community Development and Planning announced that the meeting was cancelled and the petitioner, Alternative Therapies Group, was pulling out.
“The Petitioner has confirmed by an Email just received by the Department of Community Development & Planning that they do not intend to go forward with a Dispensary at 36 Arlington Street,” said an email from Watertown Senior Planner Andrea Adams.
This comes two days after the first application for a medical marijuana dispensary cleared a major hurdle by getting a Letter of Non-Opposition from the Town Council. The applicants for the site on Elm Street still must get a special permit from the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals.
So that this was the second group while the first is going forward on Elm St correct?