Watertown High School Looking for New Mascot to Represent ‘Raiders’ Nickname

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After the first effort to come up with a mascot to go along with Watertown High School’s Raiders nickname stalled, school officials will once again look at the issue. 

Two years ago the School Committee decided to let the status quo remain, which was to have no emblem to represent the Raiders. The issue became a contentious one because some groups – particularly WHS alums – felt they were not being included in the discussion because the selection process was limited to students at the high school. Others opposed the use of the cartoonish Native American symbol being used by many youth sports, and some opposed any logo portraying an Indian.

Interim Superintendent John Brackett said he has been approached by several people asking for a mascot for the high school.

“(The mascot) brings a common identity to the Watertown High School Raiders, and are often used by other youth groups,” Brackett said. “In the absence of one, groups choose their own.”

Brackett suggested having a committee to choose the new mascot which includes alumni, community members, students, coaches, boosters, the principal and the athletic director.

Town Council President Mark Sideris thanked Brackett for bringing the issue back, and including a broader group.

“We had a challenging time when we discussed this before,” Sideris said. “This is a prudent approach because it includes a lot of people that we did not include in the discussion last time.”

Because the mascot is for the school, not just the sports teams, School Committee member Eileen Hsu-Balzer suggested adding some others to the mascot committee.

“It should represent the entire spectrum of the school and students of all types and interests who are not involved in athletics,” Hsu-Balzer said.

She added that one thing that came from the first attempt to find a mascot was that the cartoon Indian was created by a student at North Quincy High School and it is copyrighted. It was never the official mascot for Watertown High School, but has been widely adopted by youth sports teams.

The School Committee voted last week to create a committee of 12-15 people and will include will be composed of the WHS Principal, WHS students and staff, WHS alumni and parents, and community members. The goal of the committee is to “identify an appropriate mascot that represents the values, attitudes, personality, and character of Watertown High School.”

The committee will select 2-4 finalists to send to the School Committee, which will make the final decision in June. The conceptual drawing will be taken by a professional graphic artist to create the final mascot design, according to an announcement from School officials.

Those wishing to be included in participating on the committee must submit an e-mail or letter “explaining how you would contribute to the work of the Committee and also your position in the schools or community, such as parent, alumni, etc.” the announcement said. Nominations are due by 4 p.m. on April 26 and should be sent to Christie Fisher at christie.fisher@watertown.k12.ma.us or School Administration, 30 Common Street, Watertown, MA 02472.

Questions can be sent to John Portz, School Committee Chairman, at john.portz@watertown.k12.ma.us.

Here is the entire statement from The Watertown Public Schools:

For many years, Watertown High School and its athletic teams have been nicknamed The Raiders. This nickname has become a connection to the traditions of the school, teams, and community. In recent years, however, the High School has not had an official mascot associated with this name. To address this, the Watertown School Committee is seeking input from students and staff in the Watertown schools, as well as, WHS alumni and members of the Watertown community to identify an appropriate mascot that represents the values, attitudes, personality, and character of Watertown High School. The first step in this process is creating a Screening Committee that will solicit, review, and recommend nominations for a mascot.

The 12-15 person Screening Committee will be composed of the High School Principal, High School students and staff, High School alumni and parents, and community members. Selected by a subcommittee of the School Committee, this group will have public meetings in May and early June to consider mascot nominations and recommend 2-4 of these to the School Committee for a final decision in late June. A professional graphic artist will assist with creating the final design.

If you would like to be considered for the Screening Committee, please send an e-mail or letter explaining how you would contribute to the work of the Committee and also your position in the schools or community, such as parent, alumni, etc. Nominations are due by 4 p.m. on April 26 and should be sent to Christie Fisher at christie.fisher@watertown.k12.ma.us or School Administration, 30 Common Street, Watertown, MA 02472.

Questions can be addressed to John Portz, Chair of the School Committee, at john.portz@watertown.k12.ma.us.

10 thoughts on “Watertown High School Looking for New Mascot to Represent ‘Raiders’ Nickname

  1. I wish our school committee and school administration would spend more time on important issues that directly affect the well being of our students and less time on our school mascot. In my opinion this is a complete waste of time and resources and is just another example of the new PC world we now live in. All of a sudden this mascot doesn’t “reflect the values, attitudes, personality and character of WHS”? The Red Raider and now Raider represented many generations and in my opinion it’s a shame to see it go and even worse than that, political correctness is the reason…

  2. I agree, My wife and I went through this backdoor sneaky process several years ago with the AD, the HS Principle, and HS Site Council. They lie and cannot ever be trusted!! They want the Raider name gone! They have absolutely no rational or legitimate reason to change the team name. Its just another step to take control of what you think and what your children should think. The Raider name has been washed out and offends nobody. Enough of this!! People, time to fight! Don’t give them anything!! Send them back to Cambridge! Do you hear us Town Council??
    November 2017!!!

    • Dean, this is a School Committee decision, not the Council. The name is not under review in this case (I think it was considered last time). When they say mascot they mean a logo for the school.

  3. Charlie, adopt a a new mascot without reason will give them what they want. I was in many of these meetings at the HS. They want to change the meaning of the Raider team name to something unrelated to its roots. The name was altered in the 1990’s to remove any reference to Native Americans or possible offense to them. There is no official town or school logos that exist to offend anyone. This is just continued overreach and political agenda push. We have been though this enough times. If people are so concerned about this ,why is there no push to remove the Indian figure from the Watertown Town Seal, the WPD,and Watertown Fire Department uniforms, and the MA State Flag??

    Fire Department uniforms, and the MA State flag.

  4. Being from Quincy but living in Watertown for more than a decade I have always thought that it was strange that Watertown would have Mr. Yakoo as its mascot; the original Red Raider is Allan Yacubian North Quincy HS Class of 1958 (still alive cheering for NQHS no doubt) & the image of him from 1957 has a copyright…but most importantly, IT’S NORTH QUINCY’S MASCOT. Seriously it’s not like we lifted it from a random school on the other side of the country (would still be wrong/lame) but Quincy is 10 miles away & listed in the same news/sport sections.

    Let’s get some originality Watertown, a raider of any type isn’t the best high school mascot anyway, why not see this as an opportunity to help shape a positive image for the schools that we hope to have after we, as a town, spend $500 million on new schools in the next few years.

    The Native American on our seal is trading with an early settler depicting our motto: pace condita (founded in peace) given that we were founded in 1620 it seems appropriate

  5. You want to keep the name “Raiders” but not have a cartoon Native American. Ok, I get it. How about a Viking? Afterall, They were the greatest of all “raiders?”

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