Watertown Firefighters Battle Warehouse Fire, Hot Weather

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Charlie Breitrose

Two Watertown firefighters on top of a ladder douse a warehouse fire with water.

Charlie Breitrose

Two Watertown firefighters on top of a ladder douse a warehouse fire with water.

On one of the hottest days of the year, Watertown Firefighters had to battle a fire on the roof of a warehouse on Bridge Street.

The warehouse, which is attached to the back of the Olympia Moving & Storage building, was being demolished on Wednesday. Watertown Fire officials believe that is what started the blaze.

“We are pretty certain that the were beginning to cut with a power saw and the sparks caught the corrugated foam under the rubber roof – the insulation – on fire,” said Watertown Deputy Fire Chief Rob Iannetta.

Charlie Breitrose

Watertown firefighters shoot water on the roof of a warehouse that caught fire Wednesday.

A second alarm was not required to battle the blaze, Iannetta said, but an additional fire engine from Newton came to assist the Watertown Fire Department.

“We got it under control, it was mostly the rubber roof burning,” Iannetta said. “That makes a lot of smoke.”

The blaze came just before noon with temperatures in the mid-80s, but Iannetta said he did not mind.

“I’d rather sweat than shiver any day,” he said.


One thought on “Watertown Firefighters Battle Warehouse Fire, Hot Weather

  1. When is the undermanned FireDepartment ever going to get addressed? For Decades now!!
    What is the priority? a Transportation Planner or a Firefighter.
    Over thirty years ago there were 25 firefighters working every day in 4 groups- now they have 16 and we have all this outrageous development that did not exist then.
    We lost Joe Toscano fighting the second fire that week – breaking down a wall and dying from a fatal heart attack.
    Does anyone ever going to care?

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