National Weather Service
A satellite image of Hurricane Jose, which will impact New England on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Watertown will not get a direct hit from Hurricane Jose, but the region is expected to feel some of the impact of the tropical storm.
The storm, now off North Carolina, is still a hurricane, but will be a tropical storm when it passes near New England. Cape Cod, the Islands and Southeast Massachusetts have Tropical Storm Watches.
On Tuesday, the Watertown area could get as much as two inches of rain and winds will pick up to 16 mph, with gusts up to 31 mpg.
The real effects of the tropical storm, that could brush the Cape and Islands, will be felt on Wednesday. More rain is expected and gusts could get as high as 40 mph even in Boston, according to the WCVB weather report.
In all, Jose could drop close to four inches of rain on the Watertown area, according to the National Weather Service.

National Weather Service
Forecast rainfall from Hurricane Jose.