7 thoughts on “See What the Town Councilor At-Large Hopefuls Said at the Candidate Forum

  1. Councilor Dattoli is AGAINST raising the residential exemption which give a tax break to cash strapped homeowners struggling to be able to afford pay BOTH their increasing taxes AND their mortgages. This used to be a town of families! It should be a town of families! Don’t vote for him if you own your home or want to buy in Watertown!

    • Not all families own their homes in this town. We don’t – we love it here but property is so expensive that we’ve opted to rent. We have children in school and love the family atmosphere of our neighborhood.

    • This seems like a hatchet job. Where are your facts H2O Homeowner? You seem to be slandering a good person. On what information are you basing your allegations?

    • First of all, there are many families in Watertown who do not own a home and are struggling to afford to live in Watertown as much as those families who do own their homes. Families who rent their homes should be given equal consideration, as do homeowners, in the decisions made by Town Councillors. Secondly, Councillor Dattoli did not state the he would be against Increasing the Residential Tax Exemption. Councillor Dattoli did a very good job of explaining his position on this matter at the forum in that he would consider all people who could potentially be affected by the decisions he makes.

  2. David Stokes believes people are leaving Watertown because they feel unwelcome. Really? Please explain how you came to that conclusion.

  3. H20Homeowner – where is the quote above that I am against raising the residential exemption. As a councilor, I made the motion this past fiscal year to raise the exemption 2.5% and voted in favor of that increase, which was the first adjustment since the exemption began. So all of the extra tax savings you experienced this year (assuming you are a owner occupier) was as a result of that action. Each year the Chairman of the Board of Assessors makes a recommendation to the Town, considering new growth, real estate market trends, etc and the council determines if we should increase the exemption based on what is currently happening with our town. The good news is that this is on the agenda for our November meeting so I look forward to hearing your thoughts, along with other homeowners, during the pubic forum. Keep in mind, there are small businesses in Watertown that own their property – dentists, insurance companies, yoga studios, barbers and salons….when you increase the residential exemption for the fifty percent of owner-occupied homes in Watertown, you shift the tax burden to these small business owners and the result is increased cost for services to customers or inability to make a profit in a market where margins area already small. Since you are using an anonymous handle to discuss this issue, you are unable to continue posting on this topic per the Watertown News comments policy. Perhaps you can post using your name to continue sharing your perspective or at the very least attend the November council meeting when we discuss this topic. Michael Dattoli 617-999-5333

  4. Thank you, Charlie, for helping to coordinate along with Watertown Cable Access the Candidate Forum on Thursday. Your hard work and efforts to help put the forum together were much appreciated.

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