Strong Winds, Rain Cause Power Outages, Damage in Watertown

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Photo by Alejandro Mejía Greene/JubiloHaku via Flickr Creative Commons

High winds and heavy rain Sunday night into Monday morning caused scattered damage in Watertown and left hundreds without power.

The storm, which howled for several hours, knocked down tree limbs and even a chimney, and kept first responders busy all night. Winds gusted over 5o miles per hour in the area.

“We were responding to calls all night, all our apparatuses,” said Deputy Fire Chief Tom McManus. “Electrical calls, tree calls and we had a chimney come down and do damage to the house next door on Gilbert Street.”

Watertown Police responded to approximately 20 storm related calls overnight, said Police Lt. James O’Connor.

“Most of the calls involved tree limbs down, wires down and minor power outages.  No major damage was reported and most importantly, no injuries to any residents or first responders,” O’Connor said.

One place where electrical wires came down was at Sycamore and Chandler streets, according to a Tweet from Carl Stevens of WBZ Radio.

As of 8 a.m., Eversource reported that 496 customers, about 3 percent of the total in Watertown, had outages. By 10:30 a.m. the number grew to 530. Across Eastern Massachusetts more than 50,000 Eversource customers had no power.

The rains flooded streets in Watertown, but McManus did not hear of any major basement flooding.

2 thoughts on “Strong Winds, Rain Cause Power Outages, Damage in Watertown

  1. Edward road became a flood zone early this morning, due to the catch basins overflowing with leaves. This caused a tsunami of water traveling down my driveway & flowing into our basement. Very helpful neighbors all participated in releaving the leaves and the excessive water.

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