Headstones, Monument Damaged by Vandal at Cemetery in Watertown

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A statue and several headstones were damaged by a vandal at St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Watertown.

The damage was discovered on Tuesday evening at about 7 p.m., and Watertown Police are investigating.

“It was reported by someone who frequents the cemetery,” said Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor. “The person called up reporting vandalism at the cemetery.”

Eight headstones had been knocked over and a statue on a monument to the Marist Missionary Sisters was severely damaged.

“It was knocked off its base and shattered into multiple pieces,” O’Connor said.

Detectives are investigating the scene. Any information residents may have about people in the cemetery over the past few days could also help the investigation, O’Connor said. Watertown Police can be contacted at 617-972-6500.

Police do not believe this incident is related to the spraypainting of monuments at the Catholic Cemetery off Cottage Street in Watertown in August.

WBZ Radio has footage of the damage and information about the incident (see below).

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