Watertown Police
Drugs (oxycodone), money, a fire arm, ammunition and brass knuckles seized by Watertown Police during a bust of a Watertown man.
Watertown Police, working with the Suburban Middlesex County Drug Task Force, arrested a 39-year-old town resident suspected of dealing narcotics in the area.
The Watertown Police Detective Division executed a search warrant at 44C Robert Ford Road on Nov. 15, 2017, and discovered narcotics, cash, a firearm, ammunition and brass knuckles, according to Watertown Police Lt. James O’Connor.
The arrest of Jason Alberto Dalencar, 39, of Watertown was the result of a six-month investigation.
“Jason Dalencar was believed to be a major supplier of narcotics in Watertown,
Waltham, and Newton,” O’Connor said.
The narcotics are the prescription opioid oxycodone. Police also discovered the gun, for which Dalencar did not have a license, and ammunition – which he was not permitted to have because he did not have a firearm’s license. The brass knuckles are illegal under Massachusetts law, O’Connor said.
Dalencar faces charges of possession with the intent to distribute class B narcotics (oxycodone), possession of a firearm, possession of ammunition, and carrying dangerous weapon (brass knuckles), O’Connor said.
The narcotics, U.S. currency, brass knuckles, ammunition, and a firearm were all
Excellent work WPD.
One more POS off the streets.
does those acronyms mean something worth spelling or are just pieces of cod[ifi]ed opinion?