Dedication of Fallen Watertown Firefighter’s Memorial Taking Place on March 17

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Watertown Fire Department

Firefighter Joseph Toscano, a 21-year veteran of the Watertown Fire Department, died Friday after collapsing during a fire.

Watertown Fire Department

Firefighter Joseph Toscano, a 21-year veteran of the Watertown Fire Department, died Friday after collapsing during a fire.

A year after the Watertown Firefighter Joseph Toscano lost his life during a fire the Town and the Watertown Fire Department will honor him with the dedication of a memorial in East Watertown.

The public is invited to the ceremony for Toscano, which will take place on Saturday, March 17, 2018, exactly a year after his “last alarm.” A plaque will be unveiled at the corner of Merrifield and Bigelow Avenues.

A reception will be held afterward at the Metaxas/Hellenic Community Center, 25 Bigelow Ave., Watertown.

The plaque and the ceremony has been sponsored by a gift from Watertown Savings Bank.

Last August the Town Council passed a resolution to created the memorial

1,000s Bid Farewell to Fallen Firefighter Toscano – a Loving, Renaissance Man

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