ATM Card Skimming Device Discovered at Watertown Savings Branch

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A scammer put devices to “skim” debit cards into an ATM at Watertown Savings Bank’s Church Street Branch.
The “skimming” incident was discovered by a customer who noticed something strange while using an ATM on Saturday, according to a report by Wicked Local.

In a skimming scam someone places devices that can record the information from cards inside the ATM’s card slot and a camera to get people’s PIN numbers.

The bank removed the device which a bank official said had only been there a short time and new cards have been sent to those impacted.

“This is an isolated device impacting a small number of customers,” a statement on Watertown Savings’ website reads. “We have contacted all affected customers.”

The bank checked all of its other ATMs at that location and at its other branches and did not find anything, according to Wicked Local.

Watertown Savings put up this information about skimming and how to protect yourself from the scam.

For more information contact the Watertown Savings Customer Support Team at 617-928-9000.

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