7 thoughts on “Arsenal Yards Developer Pulls Request for Taller Building

  1. Excellent!
    I just hope Boylston Properties doesn’t have something else up their sleeves and is using this as a trade off for some other concession down the line.

    • Is the 130ft height restriction for residential only or could this type of building be used for any use as in lab space as mentioned above?

      • I think that the zoning allows for a building of that height for any allowable use. It requires a special permit, so I think they would have to go back and get a special permit for a non-residential building.

        Here is the language from the zoning ordinance (https://www.ci.watertown.ma.us/DocumentCenter/View/3364/ZONING-ORDINANCE–Amended-192018?bidId=)
        (5) Height of Building:
        (A) Minimum height of building: For office buildings and mixed-use developments in the RMUD
        greater than or equal to ten thousand (10,000) gross square feet or containing ten (10) or more
        residential units, the minimum building height is twenty four (24) feet.
        (B) Maximum height of building: 55 feet, or 79 feet by Master Plan Special Permit, or 130 feet by
        Master Plan Special Permit within a defined mixed-use project, using adopted Design Guidelines
        provided the project includes a diversity of building heights and furthers the intent and purpose
        (§5.18.a) of the RMUD.
        (C) In granting a Master Plan Special Permit, and in granting a Special Permit, for a project which
        includes a building listed on the National or Massachusetts State Register of Historic Places, the
        SPGA shall determine that the height and roof ridge line of such historic structure shall not be

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