The following announcement was provided by the Minuteman Parent Association:
Help the Minuteman Parent Association raise money for Minuteman RVT High School students by joining “Team Minuteman” at the Annual Genesis Battlegreen 10K & 5K run/walk sponsored by the Battlegreen Run Foundation.
Principal George Clement has thrown down the gauntlet and challenges Minuteman High School Alumni to beat his 2018 5K time of 20:27. Alumni with a better time in the 5K than his 2018 time will be invited to join Mr. Clement as his guest for lunch at “The District”, the new Minuteman student-run restaurant. You won’t want to miss this opportunity because the Culinary Arts Dept. at MHS will no doubt create some outstanding dishes.
Pre-register with “Team Minuteman” at https://tinyurl.com/MHSRUN19 and join us at Lexington High School, 251 Waltham St., Lexington
Entry Fee before Oct. 31: $15 Students (18 & under); $30 Adults
Meet up time is 11:30 a.m. “Team Minuteman” meetup at the Minuteman Culinary Arts program’s food tent
After the race, enjoy refreshments prepared by our Culinary Arts program students and local food vendors as well as entertainment for all ages.
Show your support and donate to “Team Minuteman” at https://tinyurl.com/MHSDONATE19
One hundred percent of funds raised benefit student organizations, scholarships, teacher wish lists, career programs and the Minuteman Futures Foundation. For more information contact MPA President, Kathy Gorman at mpa-info@minutemanpa.org.