See How to Donate to Watertown Organizations on #GivingTuesday

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Tuesday, Dec. 3 is Giving Tuesday, and if you would like to give locally, here are a few opportunities.

The following came from the donation information provided by these Watertown-based groups:

Watertown Community Foundation

There is no better way to see the true impact of your donation than to give where you live. We hope you’ll think of the Watertown Community Foundation on #GivingTuesday. Make a local impact every single day of the year.

Your donation makes the following WCF activities possible:

  • Grants for educational programs including paid summer internships for high schoolers, adult literacy programs, and educational support for Watertown residents with disabilities
  • Grants for health programs including delivery of nutritious meals to housebound people, respite for caregivers of family members with dementia, and public school and community gardens
  • Emergency assistance for families in crisis
  • Block parties to promote community-building and local philanthropy
  • Revitalization of our riverfront

Make a contribution today


Watertown Boys & Girls Club

Thank you for choosing to invest in the future of a child. Your support will assist over 1,000 children each year to grow in an environment that promotes Academic Success, Healthy Living and Character Development. The Watertown Boys and Girls Club is making a permanent and positive change in the life of each child it serves. Every member has the potential for a bright future and you can support that future and all its possibilities!

Your contribution provides general operating support for the following:

$1200 – Is the actual cost to provide programs and services to one youth for a year
$1000 – Funds 5-weeks of the summer camp program for one youth
$750 – Funds Power Hour (tutoring and academic support) for the entire club for half of the year
$500 – Funds 3 college tours for 10 teens
$300 – Funds a session of the Nature Connection program for 15 members
$250 – Funds the cost of a swim team membership for one youth
$100 – Funds a Keystone (leadership group) project in the community
$50 – Funds a celebratory recognition event for a sports team
$25 – Funds the cost of an annual Club membership for one youth


Perkins School for the Blind

Today is the day. Will you help us reach our $10,000 goal for #GivingTuesday?

Meeting this goal will make a huge difference for children who rely on the personalized equipment created in the Assistive Device Center and all of our students.

Your gift will DOUBLE in impact to support children who are blind—if you make your donation before midnight tonight.


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