Grocery stores in Massachusetts will be limited to allowing less than half their capacity of shoppers after an order sent out by the Mass. Commissioner of Public Health. The move is aimed at limiting the spread of the Coronavirus.
Stores will be allowed to have 40 percent of their capacity, according to the order issued on Tuesday, according to a report by WHDH Channel 7.
The order from Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel reads, in part:
“Each Grocery store shall limit occupancy to 40 percent of its maximum permitted occupancy level as documented in its occupancy permit on record with the municipal building department or other municipal record-holders in order to provide for in-store social distancing while preserving sufficient access for the public to supplies of food and necessities.”
The capacity includes both customers and employees. Stores with a capacity of 25 or fewer are exempted from the order.
Also, stores with lines of shoppers waiting outside will have workers make sure that people stay at least 6 feet apart.
Coronavirus Cases Up
Massachusetts had 1,588 more positive tests for the Coronavirus and 77 more people died from the virus according to Wednesday’s update from the Mass. Department of Public Health announced. Both were the highest in the State since the start of the outbreak.
Watertown has 69 total cases, and 15 people have recovered, according to the town’s Health Department. Middlesex County has 3,545 cases.
Statewide, 1,583 people have been hospitalized and 16,790 people have tested positive for COVID-19.
Pharmacy should limit capacity as as food stores.
Someone ought to keep an eye on the Market Basket in Waltham, they are flouting the rules when nobody’s around. They were caught the other day letting everybody in the store, and the parking lot is a filthy mess, the health department should be over there.