The project proposed for the former Doble Engineering property at 85 Walnut Street, and the apartment building proposed for the former Sterritt Lumber site on Waltham Street will be heard by the Watertown Zoning Board of Appeals Wednesday night at 7 p.m. The board will meet using the Zoom app, and will also be televised by Watertown Cable.
The meeting will be held remotely to comply with orders related to the COVID-19 outbreak. The public will have remote opportunities for participation by joining the Zoom meeting, by phone or by sending emails.
Developers of the former Sterritt Lumber site have filed for a comprehensive permit for the proposed apartment which was initially proposed as a Chapter 40B project. The documents filed with the town includes 253 apartments, 64 of which would be sold or rented at affordable rates. Developers presented the plans at a community meeting on Jan. 29, where many residents expressed concerns.
Another item on the agenda is the new life science building proposed for 85 Walnut St. The site used to be occupied by Doble Engineering, and sits between Walnut Street and Arsenal Street. The project would create 213,500 sq. ft. of biotech research and development lab and office space, and would have 566 parking spaces in a five level parking garage. A pocket park is proposed to be created near Walnut Street. The development would share a driveway off Arsenal Street shared with the property at 101 Arsenal St. See the documents here including the presentation made at a prior ZBA meeting.
See the entire agenda below.
Information About Remote Participation
1. Televised on Watertown Cable Access Television: wcatv.org/government-channel/
2. Join the virtual meeting online: https://zoom.us/j/606857230
3. Join the virtual meeting audio only by phone: (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499 (Toll Free) and enter Webinar ID: 606 857 230#
4. There is also an opportunity to email comments to gschreiber@watertown-ma.gov.
April 22 Zoning Board Agenda
- Approval of Minutes: February 26, 2020
- 148 Waltham Street– Nordblom Development Company, Inc. – Comprehensive Permit
Comprehensive Permit submitted February 27, 2020
3. 85 Walnut Street – 10-85 Walnut Owner LLC – Special Permit/Site Plan Review
Construct new 213,500 s.f. office/r&d/lab building with reduced/shadow parking, and
101 Walnut Street (see above link) – New Green Apple LP – Amend Special Permit
Amend control plans to allow access easement and parking lot reconfiguration
- 215-217 Orchard Street – Sardar Jajan – Special Permit Finding
Construct one-story mudroom, increasing non-conforming rear yard setback.
- 735 Mt. Auburn Street – Kelly Land Trust, Inc. – Special Permit Finding
Change from one nonconforming use (garage) to another (commercial office)
- 18-20 Porter Street – Olga Ban, Ramol Partners LLC – Special Permit Finding
Extend existing non-conforming driveway; add parking
7. 52-54 Channing Road – CONTINUED Sona Manoukian/Mels Margaryan – Special Permit Finding
Construct two-story side yard open decks, increasing non-conforming building coverage and FAR
This case has been continued at the Planning Board and will not be heard.
- 99-101 Lexington Street – Michael McDade – Special Permit Finding
This petitioner has requested to WITHDRAW.
- 18-20 Clyde Road – Aram Miller – Amendment to Special Permit
To modify Approved Condition #8, to provide 3’ landscape buffer along length of driveway
This petitioner has requested to WITHDRAW.
What time is the zoning board meeting on Wednesday, April 22nd?
Sorry, the meeting starts at 7 pm.
To the residents of Watertown
Please join me in requesting the Zoning Board table the hearing for developments on Spruce street and Waltham street .
We are only 4 square miles – it doesn’t have to be in your back yard – we all should support preserving our neighborhoods- to have our voice heard at a public meeting .
A 253 apartments
Houses on Waltham Street is unacceptable .
Please join me – call me (617)840-7689 – sign my petition requesting the zoning board to table this Wednesday’s meeting for another month .
No one stood with me or spoke 13 years ago when as your town councilor at large
I was the ONLY.
Councilor to vote NO against the horrific zoning ordnance sponsored by District D Town Councillor John Lawn
– Now now see the ever-growing results on Pleasant Street and surrounding streets
The ordnance forever prohibits the building of family homes – from single families to 3 families and allows 5 story buildings and business -( restaurant on Howard Street)
I did not run again for Town Council after every Councillor voted for this zoning ordnance sponsored by the District Councillor.
Please don’t let it happen again! .
Thank you
Marilyn (617)840-7689
Error on my phone number
It’s (617)840-7689
Thank you
Marilyn M.Petitto Devaney
We have enough apartments in Watertown the zoning board should be trashed.
We have enough on pleasant st the traffic is terrible.
Doesn’t Watertown’s “Safe Harbor” status protect it against a 40B by these developers?
Yes, I believe the Town has 40B safe harbor, or at least it did for a prior project. Will be interesting to see what the ZBA says about the Waltham St. project.
Another fact is a lot of these new apartment buildings are only around half full. There are a lot of vacant rentals just look at the listings on line. The town should consider a surcharge on any apartment building that is not at least 90% occupied.
With only 4 square miles, any location is in everyone’s back yard.
The increasing density of these mega-projects hasn’t done anything to share the burden of the individual’s tax bill.