9 thoughts on “85 Walnut St., Old Sterritt Lumber Site Projects on Zoning Board Agenda

  1. To the residents of Watertown
    Please join me in requesting the Zoning Board table the hearing for developments on Spruce street and Waltham street .

    We are only 4 square miles – it doesn’t have to be in your back yard – we all should support preserving our neighborhoods- to have our voice heard at a public meeting .
    A 253 apartments
    Houses on Waltham Street is unacceptable .

    Please join me – call me (617)840-7689 – sign my petition requesting the zoning board to table this Wednesday’s meeting for another month .
    No one stood with me or spoke 13 years ago when as your town councilor at large
    I was the ONLY.
    Councilor to vote NO against the horrific zoning ordnance sponsored by District D Town Councillor John Lawn

    – Now now see the ever-growing results on Pleasant Street and surrounding streets
    The ordnance forever prohibits the building of family homes – from single families to 3 families and allows 5 story buildings and business -( restaurant on Howard Street)
    I did not run again for Town Council after every Councillor voted for this zoning ordnance sponsored by the District Councillor.
    Please don’t let it happen again! .
    Thank you
    Marilyn (617)840-7689

  2. We have enough apartments in Watertown the zoning board should be trashed.
    We have enough on pleasant st the traffic is terrible.

  3. Another fact is a lot of these new apartment buildings are only around half full. There are a lot of vacant rentals just look at the listings on line. The town should consider a surcharge on any apartment building that is not at least 90% occupied.

  4. With only 4 square miles, any location is in everyone’s back yard.
    The increasing density of these mega-projects hasn’t done anything to share the burden of the individual’s tax bill.

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