After closing temporarily for the COVID-19 shutdown, a Watertown pizza institution is back!
Pizza Roma reopened on Tuesday and will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The pizzeria on Waverley Avenue is the latest restaurant to reopen in Watertown. A good place to learn about who’s open and specials being offered by restaurants is the Facebook group “Watertown and Surrounding Community, Eating Local Stimulus Plan.”
It will be awesome to go in and hear joe singing again!
Not to mention the delicious food!
4 Cheese, 2 Pep, 1 Mush. Q-
Best pizza in watertown but it’s a roll of the dice getting the order right.
Roma is #1, What a Place!
Four Cheese.. Two Pep… One Mush
Best news in months.
Joe is the reason I learned the duck noises and taught my children how to do it after he taught me I miss Joe hoepfully get down there to get some roma pizza
Quack quack!!❤️
Missed you both Joe and Annamarie very much. I had my Friday night pepper steak and cheese sub again after too long and it was great!! Pizza tonight!