7 thoughts on “Career Highlight for One of the Heroes of the Watertown Shootout: Helping Others

  1. Congratulations John Now I know the rest of your story
    Ann Purcell from Corpus Christi-St Bernard Parish. I often sat in front of you at Mass
    Enjoy your retirement

  2. Congratulations John A very well deserved retirement indeed. I’ll never forget all the time you spent with the kids of Willow Park . I’ll always be grateful for the weight lifting time you spent with my daughter. Now go forth and enjoy the next chapter!

  3. Congratulations on your retirement – keep telling your stories – to all of us children everywhere. You have much to be proud of.

  4. Congratulations John! Watertown is so lucky to have a hero like you protecting us everyday and always giving to those in need!

  5. Congratulations, John! Enjoy your well-deserved retirement. Knowing you, I can easily imagine all of the good things that you will continue to do for others. You make this world a better place for all of us! God bless!

  6. Congratulations John. Time to write a book. You have been a great father and helped so many other kids.
    Enjoy relaxing and save me a tomato or 2 from your garden

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