Beginning Monday, June 8, Massachusetts restaurants can begin to offer outdoor dining and retail store will be able to open for shoppers. They are part of Phase 2 of the state’s COVID-19 re-opening plan, along with childcare, and additional recreation facilities and medical services.
Gov. Charlie Baker made the announcement of the beginning of Phase 2 on Saturday afternoon. There will be two steps of Phase 2, with the first one including outdoor dining at restaurants, retailers stores opening, childcare, day camps, lodging and youth sports.
Preventative medical care can also be provided. Also reopening are some recreational facilities, such as pools, playgrounds and spray decks, Baker said.
Step two of Phase 2 will allow for indoor seating at restaurants along with personal services such as nail salons, massage and tanning salons. No date was given for when Step 2 would begin.
Baker said the steps Massachusetts’ has taken to slow the spread of the Coronavirus have “been successful in bending the curve.” More progress will need to be made before the second step in Phase 2, as well as Phase 3 and 4 can begin.
He encouraged people to continue to follow social distancing guidelines and to stay home if they feel sick.
Find out more about the Massachusetts reopening plan, and the protocols that businesses and organizations must follow, click here: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/reopening-massachusetts
A lawsuit has been filed that says Gov. Baker has NO authority to issue any orders of this type nor has he ever. Look:
The original legislation, Chapter 639 Acts of 1950, did not permit the governor to issue orders on a Health Emergency. Another law was passed (MGL Ch 17 Sec 2A) that gave powers to the state, but only to the “Commissioner of Public Health” to establish vague procedures for public health.
Bill S2028, “An Act Relative to Pandemic and Disaster Preparation and Response in the Commonwealth,” was filed in 2009 to give the governor the desired public health powers.
It was never made into law, however.
The governor has never had any power during this pandemic to do what he has been doing. One hopes that this lawsuit succedes.
It is disturbing that people have not spoken out about this. It is disturbing that media have not highlighted this.
Two people taking appropriate safety measures can’t get together for a hair appointment, but thousands of people gathering and marching within inches/feet of each other have his blessing
And, Alan, churches are not able to hold services except for a very limited number of people, and some clergy and parishioners have been cited and even arrested for that, including services held in a parking lot where the people stayed in their cars and listened online.
But people can demonstrate and protest by the thousands (and break curfews) without “social distancing” in big cities, and that’s somehow OK.
I guess some groups seem to be “more equal” than others.
I plan to follow Baker’s Advice because it is offered after consultations with experts. He has our best health interests at heart.