The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Free Public Library:
Beginning Monday, June 15 the library will offer additional evening curbside pickup hours.
The new pickup schedule is: Monday 1 pm – 4 pm, Tuesday 4 pm – 7 pm *New Hours*, Wednesday 11 am – 2pm, Thursday 4 pm – 7 pm *New Hours*, Friday 9 am – 12 pm
Placing Orders: Call 857-203-8009 to place orders.
Calls can be made Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. A library employee will take orders for up to 5 items that are currently available in the library catalog. Anyone that does not have internet access may call for personal assistance with choosing materials. We are only accepting orders via phone at this time.
Picking Up: For the health and safety of library staff and patrons it is preferred that patrons pickup via car.
There are 8 dedicated parking spots. Park in these spots and text the curbside line with the space number and last name of the order. Windows must be up, patrons must wear masks, trunks must be open, and patrons must be in the vehicle before staff will drop the items. Library staff will then place the order in the trunk and the patron will close the trunk after library staff is not within 6 feet of the vehicle. Library staff will be wearing gloves and face coverings.
Patrons who cannot drive should text the curbside line 5 minutes prior to arriving. The order will be left in a paper bag labeled with their last name on the granite bench outside of the parking lot (rear) entrance of the library. There will be no hand-to-hand delivery.
Returning: Based on CDC guidance given to the Institute for Museums and Library Services, any books that get returned will be quarantined for 24 hours and, as an extra precaution, misted with a list N disinfectant for use against SARS-CoV-2 before returning to circulation. Returns can be put in any of the library drop boxes, staff will not accept them in person.
For more details on curbside pickup visit www.watertownlib.org/pickup
About WFPL: The Watertown Free Public Library provides access to a wide variety of popular materials, resources, services, and programs that fulfill the informational, cultural and recreational needs of Watertown and surrounding communities. WFPL works to create an environment that attracts and welcomes users of all ages and abilities. watertownlib.org