Watertown Business Coalition Surveying Businesses About Reopening Challenges

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The Watertown Business Coalition wants to know what challenges are facing local businesses as they reopen from the COVID-19 shutdown, and have put together a short survey.

Some of the barriers or obstacles maybe getting PPEs, financial advice, or getting inventory. Click here to take the survey.

The group sent out the following message:

Hello Friends & Neighbors in the Business Community!

As we move through the reopening phases, we want to help you reopen successfully. Please complete our quick 2-3 minute survey to help us understand what you most need help with to reopen in Phase 2, 3 and beyond.

As we continue along the road to recovery, PLEASE reach out to us at info@watertownbusinesscoalition.com if you or your business needs help.

Stay well Watertown!

~Watertown Business Coalition Leadership Team

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