Watertown High School’s seniors claimed their diplomas in person at Victory Field on Saturday, but that was about all that was normal about graduation day for the Class of 2020.
The atmosphere around Victory Field because the frenzy of activity was just spread out throughout the day as Watertown Public School officials put on a socially distanced ceremony to comply with the state’s COVID-19 guidelines.
Each half hour a set of cars pulled up, the graduate stepped out and walked up to a small stage where Principal Shirley Lundberg waited with a diploma. Meanwhile, the family could stand along the small fence along the baseball field to cheer and take photos.
“It’s a little different the way they did it,” said graduate Cameron Carr, who said last week’s Rolling Rally was the highlight of the graduation activities in the COVID-19 era. “That was great. I wasn’t going to go but decided to do it at the last minute. They should do that every year.”
Senior Toni Carton said simply, “It’s very much an experience.”
After getting their diploma, students got to take off their mask and have a picture taken by a professional photographer. Then they went to a table where they got a gift bag including a program, a water bottle and awards, said Linda Tracy the administrative assistant with the WHS Guidance Department.
“If they got an academic award, sports award or any award we give them that, since everything was announced virtually,” Tracy said.
Only a handful of school officials took part in the ceremony. The guidance councilors read out the names. Principal Lundberg, who is retiring this year, stood on the small stage. Superintendent Dede Galdston and Assistant Superintendent Theresa McGuinness stood nearby.
“It’s going well,” Lundberg said after the first group of students. She had hopes of finishing shortly after 2:30 as she stood on a hot and sunny Victory Field at about 10 a.m.
The ceremony and the speeches given by the valedictorian, salutatorian and class president will be compiled into a video and put on the Class of 2020 graduation website, Lundberg said. The site will also have the awards ceremony, a video featuring messages from members of graduating class, and one made by the faculty and staff. Click here to go to the Class of 2020 website.
Before making their way to Victory Field, the cars gathered at the parking lot of the Department of Public Works Facility, just next to the field, said Watertown Police Officer Kerry Kelley, who helped plan the logistics.
After they got out at the field, there were arrows and boxes on the ground for parents to family to follow.
“We wanted to organize it so that it is socially distanced, but make it feel normal,” said Kelley, who is the WHS School Resource Officer. “Safe but symbolic.”
Watertown High School Class of 2020
Aysar Mohammad Abbas
+# David Abrahamyan
+# Anna Nicole Aiello
Relfa Maria Amador Proano
Lauren Mary Amedio
Maximo Carlos Archila
Lillian Eva Arzumanyan
Jonathan Carlos Auerbach
John Joseph Avakian
Kristen Mary Beach
Annabella Kaitlyne Beck
# Devon Granville Breen
Evan Thomas Britner
Julianna Linda Cacia
Antoni Calisir
# Emily Sara Campbell
Kevin Daniel Cardoso
Cameron Kay’von Carr
Alyssa Jordan Carroll
+# Antonina Marie Carton
+#@ Liam Daniel Carvajal-Janke
# Brittany Elizabeth Catsoulis
Dario Henry Christie
+#* Elias Ruth Cherry-German
Shant Manuel Cimenian
Liam Vachon Connelly
Brennan James Cook
Daniel Griffin Corbett
Ryan Vitor Batista Da Silva
* Guilherme Lima De Oliveira
Olivia Lee DeKoster
Jarod Edward Demichele
Samuel Deossa Bedoya
Emma Ann Dickie
Vera Faye Doob
Delanie Anne Dunn
Oliver Kenneth Eason
Jack Peter Edgely
+# Anna Margaret Fabian
Beatrix Gomes Ferreira
Aldeir Galdino Da Silva Filho
Benjamin Bouldin Fiorentino
+# Evan Michael Fleischer
Kurstin Marie Florio
+# Helen Gjino
Gerson Abelardo Gomez Pocon
* Josselyn Estefany Gonzalez-Teo
# Kevin Joseph Greene
Joseph Robert Griffin
Adam Cherif Guenoune
George D. Gutarov
Andres Epigmenio Atonatiu Guzman
Henry Thomas Hartshorn
Christopher Matthew Hatfield
Dylan Hickey
Hakeem Hirji
Hassan Ali Houjazy
Laura Kim Thi Howe
Shadi Idelkanoun
Victor Jordan Ivanov
Rojin Jajan
* Ivan Dmitrievich Kalachev
+# Yeraz Leeza Kaligian
+# Gevork George Karapetyan
Alek Kebabjian
Madison Elizabeth Keller
Allison Jordan Kennedy
* Mishleen Kamil Kerio
Isabella Francesca DeCarlo Keuchkarian
# Juliette Nicole Keuchkarian
Brendan Michael King
Ana Harley Langdon
* Brandon Eduardo Latin Hernandez
Juliana Rosalie Bonica Lavery
Matthew John LeBlanc
Duncan Alexander Lepera
# Angelina Men-Ting Li
Crystal Victoria Lopez Polanco
Jonathan Michael Lucas
Alexander Shaw MacNeill
Winter Elizabeth Mahon
# Ani Nanor Manjikian
Divya Mannan
Brian Steven Manning
Helen Margaryan
Robert Levon Margaryan
+# Anais Kamila Markwood
# Andrea Michaela McAdam
Timothy Brent McCall
+# Liam John McCurley
Dylan McNicholas
Vicken Meneshian
Jake Edward Monahan
Karim Monroe
John Donato Moynihan
* Isaac Mugomba
Rose Marie Muldrew
Rebecca Jade Musto-Krol
* Srinivasa Mahidhar Naraharisetty
Saron Nebiye
Daniel Thommas Nobre
Ashley Elizabeth Nygren
Kevin Christopher O’Neil
Milagros Ailen Ortiz
Aaron Sujay Panchu
# Anna Irene Papayannopoulos
# Ella Victoria Pastore
# Krishna Mukesh Patel
Danielle Rose Pellegrini
Madeline Mildred Poplawski
Nayara Soares Ribeiro
Keith Edward Ricci
Gabrielle Maria Richard
Danya Abdulkader Rifai
* Nayara Victoria Soares da Costa Rocha
Marialda Romei
Jonathan Josue Salem-Chacon
Jason Eric Santos
Melania Santourian
# Ashley Elizabeth Shaughnessy
Ian Campbell Simpson
# Rachael Claire Stokes
Caileigh Sullivan
# Emma Rose Surenian
Aurise Susanne Tattrie
Daniel Zacarias Tejada
Gabriel Antonio Tejada
# Isabella Gayane Terzian
+# Lakshmi Thangaraj
+# Martin Frederick Tibets
#* Siranush Helen Tolmoyan
# Nicole Tamara Topanian
Nayeli Torres Febus
+# Maia Vachon
Sarah Kristine Vail
Mia Vera Venezia
Michael Anthony Vick
Carlo Sarkis Vosbigian
+# Anthia Dora Vrahliotis
Lucas Arran Watson
+# Raymond Journey Whitney
Brianna Feeney Williams
Alexis Edyanna Willis
+# Crystal Nancy Yapoudjian
@ Hatydzha Muradovna Yelliyeva
Mia Elizabeth Zarkadas
(+ – Cum Laude Society, # – National Honor Society, * – Seal of Biliteracy, @ – Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction)
Congratulations Class Of 2020 go an show the world what you have to offer! I am so very proud of you and honored too have taught you.
Congratulations Ms.Johnson on teacher of the year very well deserved. My opinion ABCD award above beyond commitment deserved award. Many have not deserved it.
Retirees I hope you enjoy your retirement.
Mary Russo
Ceremony was underwhelming, rushed and disappointing. However, the logistics of moving the event along in an orderly fashion were quite exceptional. Let’s hope that the town and kids never have to experience these half measures again!