A Watertown scout will be collecting winter clothing as his Eagle Scout project, and the items will be delivered to people in Peru.
Patricio Pino is a Life Scout with Watertown’s Troop 30, and he decide to organize the winter clothing drive in hopes of reaching the rank of Eagle Scout. Life Scout is the second highest rank in the Boy Scouts, with Eagle being the highest.
“My Eagle Project is a collection drive for winter clothing of any condition and size which will be (dropped off) at collection bins between July 17th and 27th,” Pino said. “These collections will then travel with me to Peru or be shipped there to be distributed with the help of Scouting in Peru to people in need.”
Items being sought include coats, gloves, hats and other cold weather wear. The items can be dropped off at collection bins in three locations: 100 Waverley Ave., 92 Mt. Auburn St. and 131 Riverside St.
They will be delivered to people in the area of Arequipa in Peru. Many parts of the area are high in the mountains. Pino, who attends Watertown High School, has links to the South American nation.
“I decided to work on a project that helps out people in Peru because I am Peruvian and have many relatives over there,” Pino said. “I have visited them in the past and so the issues which many Peruvians face are particularly close to home for me and something I have directly witnessed.”
The COVID-19 outbreak has made Pino’s efforts more challenging. He had to communicate with his Scout leaders and fellow Scouts digitally, and he had to consider COVID-19 safety requirements in his clothing drive. It may also impact the delivery of the items.
“It is still uncertain if I will be able to travel to Peru myself or if I will have to ship the donations to Peru — something that will require further planning,” Pino said.
After completing his Eagle Project Pino will still have earn a few merit badges to complete before meeting the requirements for Eagle Scout.
An Eagle Project is not an easily followed activity. It is created by the Scout (young man or woman) with help from the organization the Scout is working. It is in reality a Business Plan, requiring financial costs, resources needed, a timeline showing milestones and explaining the value of the Project.
The Scout will learn many business skills while completing his Project. By this time the Scout has gotten to this point they have learned how to be part of a group working together learning basic life skills. They have advanced and learned Supervisory skills. Each rank they earn requires the learning of additional skill sets.
I applaud Patricio Pino for his efforts in doing this Eagle Project.