A Watertown man faces charges of possession of a “Child Sexual Abuse Image” after being arrested by police in New Hampshire.
Juan Correa, 31, of Ladd Street in Watertown, was arrested by Nashua Police on July 15 on a charge of Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Image, police announced. He was released on personal recognizance bail, and he will be arraigned in Hillsborough County Superior Court South on Aug. 20.
The arrest was one of eight made in an investigation by the Nashua Police Department and Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force focusing on child exploitation during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Nashua Police. The charge Correa faces is a Class B Felony, which is punishable by up to 7 years in prison.
The Nashua Police Department released the following information the arrests:
On July 15, 2020, members of the Nashua Police Department’s Uniform Field Operations Bureau and Problem Oriented Policing Unit arrested eight individuals on charges varying from Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images, Distribution of Child Sexual Abuse Images, Manufacturing Child Sexual Abuse Images and Indecent Exposure and Lewdness.
The arrests are part of an initiative by the Nashua Police Department and Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to investigate the large number of cases which were reported regarding child exploitation via the internet during the initial stages of the COVID 19 pandemic. The Nashua Police
Department is an affiliate of the Internet Crimes against Children (ICAC) Task Force, working to combat child exploitation in New Hampshire.
The Nashua Police Department’s Special Investigations Division with the assistance of the Computer Forensics Unit executed eight search warrants during the month of June related to the possession and distribution of child sexual abuse images in the City of Nashua. The Nashua Police Department also engaged in proactive investigations identifying those soliciting children via the internet.
The Nashua Police Department received assistance in these investigations from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department, New Hampshire State Police Special Investigations Unit, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security
Those arrested were:
Robert Tango, age 36, of 110 Blossom Street, Nashua, NH was arrested and charged with four counts of Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images, Class B Felony. Tango was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
Michael Banks, age 42, of 52 Johnson Road, East Hampstead, NH was arrested and charged with one count of Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Image, Class B Felony. Banks was held by New Hampshire Probation and Parole and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on July 16, 2020.
Juan Correa, age 31, of 9 Ladd Place, Watertown, MA was arrested and charged with one count of Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Image, Class B Felony. Correa was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
Glen Hart, age 33, of 3 Kessler Farm Drive, Apt 124, Nashua, NH was arrested and charged with three counts of Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images, Class B Felony. Hart was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
Justin Famolare Gray, age 21, of 9 E Glenwood Street, Nashua, NH was arrested and charged with five counts of Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Images, Class B Felony. Famolare Gray was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
Mohammad No Aimat, age 22, of 3C Black Oak Drive, Nashua, NH was arrested and charged with one count of Distribution of Child Sexual Abuse Image, Class B Felony. No Aimat was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
Dakota Clifford, age 26, of 13 Hazel Lane, Manchester, NH was arrested and charged with four counts of Manufacturing Child Sexual Abuse Images, Special Felonies. Clifford was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
Keith Bernasconi, age 39, of 10 Cosworth Circle, Nashua, NH was arrested and charged with two counts of Indecent Exposure and Lewdness, Class B Felony. Bernasconi was communicating online with a person he believed to be a minor and sent two images which were sexual in nature. Bernasconi was released on personal recognizance bail and will be arraigned in the Hillsborough County Superior Court South on August 20, 2020.
A Special Felony is punishable by a term of imprisonment, exclusive of fines. Each Class B Felony is punishable by up to seven years imprisonment, exclusive of fines.
If anyone has further information regarding these cases or would like to anonymously report cases of child exploitation please call the Nashua Police Department crime line (603) 589-1665. You can also follow the Nashua Police Department on Twitter @NashuaPolice.