Watertown businesses with five or fewer employees can apply for grants of up to $10,000 to address emergency needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Businesses can apply for the Microenterprise Grants through the Town of Watertown, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corp., which is awarding the federally funded grants that come from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The deadline to apply for the grants is Sept. 25, 2020.
As of 2016, a Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) survey found that Watertown had about 900 businesses that would fit into the microenterprise category. Not all will qualify for the grants, however. The grants are for those who are 80 percent or less of the median area income, which in the Boston area is $67,400 for one person household, $77,000 for two people and $96,250 for a family of four. See more information here.
The Town of Watertown provided more information about how to apply for the grants, and Microenterprise Grant program below:
The Town of Watertown is now accepting applications for microenterprise business grants, using federally-funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The funding can be utilized to address emergency needs in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Grants of up to $10,000 for microenterprise businesses (a commercial enterprise that has 5 or fewer employees) are now available. CLICK HERE to connect directly to the online application.
The application process will be open until September 25th. Businesses interested in applying must fill out the online application only. For further questions refer to the FAQ or contact: Gideon Schreiber, Senior Planner, gschreiber@watertown-ma.gov or at (617) 972-6417.
Please note that business type exclusions to the grant include: Real estate rentals/sales businesses, businesses owned by persons under age 18, businesses that are chains, liquor stores, weapons/firearms dealers, lobbyists or Cannabis-related businesses. Businesses must be located in one of the 23 participating communities. Business owners must be income eligible (see FAQ).
- Press Release – https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/30059/Watertown-Press-Release-Microenterprise-Grant_2020_0908
- FAQ – https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/30058/Frequently-Asked-Questions–Microenterprise-Grant_2020_0908
- Notice to Business Owners- https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/30060/Watertown_Business-Notice-Microenterprise-Grant_2020_0908