Oh, That Snow! Share Your Photos of Today’s Big Storm

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Charlie Breitrose

The Dec. 16-17 Nor'easter dropped about 11 inches of snow on Watertown.

The Dec. 16-17 Nor’easter dropped about 11 inches of snow on Watertown.

The Nor’easter gave Watertown quite a wallop on Thursday, dropping more than 10 inches on town in several hours.

I measured 11 inches in the backyard of Watertown News headquarters (see photo above).

Do you photos of the winter wonderland in Watertown? Share by emailing them to watertownmanews@gmail.com.

The storm inspired reader Mary Spiers to write the following poem:

On Today’s Nor’easter

We’ve been kidnapped by snow today
Stolen from our work and play
Looking at the gloom all ’round
We watch as snow fills the ground
What is that dim ball of light in the sky?
Is it a lantern of hope for passers-by?
Can we break from our chains of snow?
Why ‘yes’ Hope sings within us, and off we go.

See When Watertown’s Snow Emergency Will be Lifted. http://bit.ly/3nvqfhr

Reader Photos & Videos

Photo from Ted Monteiro

Photos from John G.

Photos by Diana Richards

Photos by Lynn Bratley

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