See the Watertown Town Government Organizational Chart, with Links to Departments

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Charlie Breitrose

Watertown's City Hall.

Watertown’s Town Hall.

Figuring out how the Town of Watertown’s government operates can be a challenge, but a recently created organizational chart can help.

The following chart was created by residents Marcia Ciro and Elodia Thomas. Each board or department has a link to click to get to the page on the Town of Watertown’s website.

The chart is also color coded to show how each position, board or department is appointed or hired. The orange ones are elected by voters, the green ones are hired by the Town Council and the brown ones are hired by the Town Manager.

If you have questions, leave it in the comment section below, and one of the creators can help.

If you have trouble reading the chart, you can zoom in using the tools at the bottom of the chart.

2020 1227 Watertown Org Chart-FINAL by Charlie Breitrose on Scribd

5 thoughts on “See the Watertown Town Government Organizational Chart, with Links to Departments

  1. Libby, the powers that be were sent this organizational chart in late December. I also sent it out to my email list. Given the ongoing info requests from the community, I asked Charlie to publish this as a public service announcement (PSA). Thank you Charlie!

    How can residents discuss Town government and Charter Review if they don’t understand the structure and operation of their government?

  2. Libby, I sent this to Mark Sideris and others in the government over a month ago and have been requesting that it be put up on the Charter website for that long too. No answer yet, so we are resorting to other means. Hope it is helpful to residents.
    Charter a review meeting tonight at 6 pm on zoom!!! Find the link in the agenda on

  3. This is terrific! The SCRBD link does not bring us to a copy with the links. Could you perhaps put the document with links up on a public website somewhere and post the address in the comments here? Would you consider asking Watertown Forward to post it on their resources page? It already has a lot of good information.

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