5 thoughts on “Charter Review Committee Votes to Keep Town Manager Form of Government

  1. There are two things that Driscoll cares about: his budget and control. If he had his way, there would be no new schools in Watertown. We are building schools because the town is in serious jeopardy of losing commonwealth accreditation, something which could have long term effects on students applying for choice colleges and universities. And let’s not forget it was Ed Deveaux who really pushed hard for the police station upgrade.

    Strengthening the town council means a more consistent and market oriented wage so that the town can attract the best and brightest to serve the town.

  2. The devil is in the details, now the real work begins! Will there be any substantial change to provide more accountability/feedback and transparency? If there are ‘real’ changes to insure accountability, these changes will help bring us forward and create a much better working enviroment for those working there and the residents. A better working and functioning government will serve all of us better. Roll up your sleeves!

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