Registration for the 2021 Pequossette Summer Program begins Friday, May 21, and the Watertown Recreation Department provided the following information.
The Watertown Recreation Department is offering the 52nd year of the Pequossette
Summer Program to children who are entering grades one through eight in September 2021.
Activities are scheduled on a rotating basis with flexibility for special events. The
children will participate in arts & crafts, drama, music, sports, physical education as well as
active and quiet games. Click here for additional registration forms which must be returned
to the Watertown Recreation Department, Administration Building, 149 Main Street,
Watertown, MA 02472 prior to the start of the program.
Who: Watertown Residents Only – Entering Kindergarten – 8th Grade in September 2021
When: Mondays – Fridays
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. ( no Early Drop Off or Extend Day in 2021)
Where: Watertown High School – 30 Common Street, Watertown, MA 02472
Cost: $165.00 per week (shortened Week 2 = $130.00)
To register, please complete a Registration Form, Health Form, Permission Form, and Approved Pickup Form each is available below. All registration forms must be returned to the Recreation Department, Administration Building, 149 Main Street, Watertown, MA 02472.