Hearing About Future of Arsenal on the Charles, Plan for Trees on Campus Continues Monday

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Alexandria Real Estate Equities An overhead view of the Arsenal on the Charles complex, with the new buildings proposed by Alexandria Real Estate Equities shown in blueish-grey. Arsenal Street runs along the top of the map, and North Beacon Street is the road the curves toward the bottom.

Alexandria Real Estate Equities discussed their master plan for the Arsenal on the Charles complex at last Wednesday’s Planning Board meeting. The group will continue the discussion at a special Planning Board meeting on Monday, June 14.

The group purchased the property located at 311 Arsenal St. from Athenahealth and has submitted plans to put up some new buildings. The plans drew protest from some because many trees would be removed to make the plan a reality. Monday night, more discussion will be held about the project, including a proposal to transplant some of the trees to other parts of town.

The proposed development includes two new four-story buildings that would be used for life science office and labs. Both buildings would have more than 100,000 sq. ft. of floor area. The plan also calls for replacing a previously approved three-story building (30,000 sq. ft.) with a 7,000 sq. ft., single-story building that would be connected to the newer parking garage on the west end of the campus.

The meeting will be held remotely over Zoom. See the announcement about the Planning Board meeting below:


311 Arsenal St. [https://www.mapsonline.net/watertownma/forms/insert.html.php?&id=970826649&show_admin=yes&clientname=watertownma&jump=bb1a778165b7734302be386d7ec0cd1e]  

ARE-MA Region No. 75, LLC requests Amendments to Campus Master Plan Special Permit (PB-2016-01) (§5.12) with Conceptual Site Plan granted for Phase One to allow the Petitioner to continue to revitalize and redevelop this 29+ acre site including redesigned site improvements and enhancements, two new life science R&D buildings and increased open space. The requested Final Site Plan Review, Phase 2 will comprise Building 1 and Building 2, new four story office and research laboratory buildings, and related site enhancements. The Petitioner also proposes to amend the previously granted Phase One Site Plan Review by replacing the approved three-story 30,000+ SF building along Arsenal St. with a single-story building connected to the West Garage with community focused programming and other site and multi-modal transit enhancements (§4.10; §9.03; §9.04; §9.05). Located in the AODD (Arsenal Overlay Development District) zoning district. PB-2021-04

The Planning Board of the City known as the Town of Watertown will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. In accordance with the Governor’s Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G. L. c. 30A, § 20, relating to the 2020 Covid-19 emergency and to avoid group congregation, this meeting will only have remote opportunities for participation with public access provided as follows: 

1.Televised on Watertown Cable Access Television:  https://cloud.castus.tv/vod/#/watertown/?page=HOME [https://cloud.castus.tv/vod/#/watertown/?page=HOME

2. Join the virtual meeting online:  https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/92709029148

3. Join the virtual meeting audio only by phone: (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499 (Toll Free) and enter Meeting ID#: 92709029148

4. There is also an opportunity to email comments to  imarchesano@watertown-ma.gov prior to or during the meeting.

2 thoughts on “Hearing About Future of Arsenal on the Charles, Plan for Trees on Campus Continues Monday

  1. With all these life sciene centers being built all along East Watertown, they need to come up with some alternative transportation. I would like to see a bus route from Harvard Sq that made the loop of all the new life sciend centers around Coolidge Ave, Grove street, and Arsenal street which aren’t currently served by local busses. We are becoming Kendal Square East and we need to guard against the traffic nightmare that could develop.

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