Radio Honey Performs Sweet Sounds from the ’70s to Today at the Watertown Summer Concert

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Listen to Sweet Sounds from the 1970s all the way to today at Wednesday’s summer concert.

The Saltonstall Park Summer Concert series continues on Wednesday, Sept. 1, at 6:30 p.m. with Radio Honey. Get there early and join in the free dance lesson with instructors from Ballroom in Boston, beginning at 6 p.m.

Radio Honey features female and male vocals while performing a range of hits, from “Adele to Zeppelin.” According to the band’s website, Radio Honey’s show are “A fun and low volume mix of classic and modern rock favorites that you may hear on radio stations like 100.7 WZLX and 92.5 the RIVER.”

Since 2010, Radio Honey has performed more than 100 shows a year.


Petrina Foley: Lead Vocals

Sara Achorn- Lead Vocals

Mike Carlucci: Drums and Vocals

Kevin Silvia: Guitar and Vocals

Arthur Vanaria Bass

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