Watertown Woman Cutting Off Hair in Memory of Aunt Lost to Cancer

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Audrey Woods will be cutting off her hair to raise money for cancer research and to honor her aunt.

Watertown’s Audrey Woods will be cutting off two-feet of hair to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund in an effort to beat the disease that took her aunt’s life.

Woods will cut off hair she has been growing for 5 years on Oct. 1, 2021, in memory of her aunt, Jane T. Sabin, who died from cancer in 2018

“Three years ago I lost my beloved Aunt Janie to breast cancer. The hole she left in our lives is huge and aching and can never be filled,” Woods wrote on her fundraising page. “I remember watching her go through chemo, losing her hair, losing weight, losing everything, wishing desperately there was something I could do.”

Woods is a writer who said she wants to do her part in the fight against cancer.

“As a science fiction author, I dream of a day when we don’t have to live in fear of cancer (any kind!) and the horrors it brings. I want to do my part, however small, and buzz it all for a good cause,” Woods said.

She recently moved to the area, and has embraced her new home.

“I’m a local novelist who moved to Watertown in 2020 and have since fallen in love with the community,” Woods said. “I’m originally from Vermont, but have deep roots in the Boston area. I can often be seen jogging along the Charles river or playing with our dog in the park.”

Find out more about Woods’ effort and how to donate by clicking here:  https://danafarber.jimmyfund.org/site/TR/GivingPage/MyPage?pg=team&fr_id=1200&team_id=9963

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