The Watertown Health Department will be running a series of flu clinics in September and October.
The flu vaccine is available even to those without insurance. If you are insured, please remember to bring all your insurance and Medicare cards with you for billing purposes where applicable.
If you know of anyone who is homebound and unable to attend one of our clinics please call 617-972-6446 and speak to the Public Health Nurse.
The Watertown Health Department will be offering influenza vaccine to all Watertown residents at the following locations:
Clinics for Individuals 16 and Over:
Thursday 9/30/21 4 pm-7 pm, Watertown Police Station at 552 Main Street
Friday 10/15/21 9 am-1 pm, Watertown Public Library at 123 Main Street
Saturday 10/23/21 9 am-1 pm, Watertown Public Library at 123 Main Street
Tuesday 11/9/21 4 pm-7 pm, Watertown Public Library at 123 Main Street
Thursday 11/18/21 9 am-1 pm, Watertown Public Library at 123 Main Street
Clinics for Individuals 55 and Over Only:
Thursday 9/23/21 2 pm-5 pm, Watertown Senior Center at 31 Marshall Street
Tuesday 10/5/21 2 pm-5 pm, Watertown Senior Center at 31 Marshall Street