Learn About the Proposed Town Charter Changes on the November Ballot


Charlie Breitrose A mailing went out to Watertown voters with the details of the proposed changes to the Town Charter.

A resident group focused on the Town Charter Review will host a meeting to provide voters with information about the proposed changes to the Town Charter to be considered by Watertown voters at the Nov. 2 election.

The Town Charter defines how the Watertown town government operates.

The ballot will include just a short summary of the changes. This week, the Town Clerk’s office sent out a mailing detailing the changes recommended by the Charter Review Committee. It includes a cover letter from Town Clerk Janet Murphy, a redline version of the changes to the Charter, and a Vote by Mail application. Approximately 15,000 Watertown households were sent this information.

The resident group, Watertown Forward, sent out the following information:

Watertown Forward is planning a special Zoom meeting titled What’s In Your Mail? on Sunday, October 24 from 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM. This will be an opportunity for voters to discuss the revisions to the Charter and the meaning of the two Charter questions that will appear on the ballot.

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We are fortunate that three former Charter Review Committee members, Jonathan Hecht, Marcia Ciro, and Bill Oates, have agreed to participate in the discussion and field questions from those attending. The link to the meeting is here.

You can also find the link to the meeting as well as our resource summarizing the key amendments to the Charter in English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, and Portuguese on our website at watertownforward.org.

2 thoughts on “Learn About the Proposed Town Charter Changes on the November Ballot

  1. I sense a hiring/spending spree should Town Council be allowed to hire consultants and staff on a simple majority vote. Lots of already wealthy lawyers and other elitists slurping at the Public trough Why not just give any surplus revenue from all the development back to taxpayers?

    Change from Town to City?

    There is not enough explanation of these changes. Vote no on changing the Charter.

    Once again jamming massive change through with little or no understanding of motives or intent of parties pushing the changes.

    Vote no on changing the Town Charter.

    • You have given ZERO reasons to vote against the Charter changes. I suspect you haven’t read a bit of what was written. And for the record, Watertown IS a city and has been for over 40 years now. Of course the name should reflect that reality!

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