One thought on “School Committee Creating Committee to Study Vocational Education Options for Watertown Students

  1. It is great to hear that Watertown is considering many options for our students to learn some trades and other career opportunities. Stressing only college pursuits in the past has increased the need for so many people in the trades, especially plumbing, heating and air conditioning, electrical, construction and carpentry. These shortages are impeding society in general because of the shortages of personnel and the long waits for various services at higher costs, not to mention limiting students’ choices in life careers. So many students incurred high college costs with sometimes not a good return on their investment of time and money and continue to pay for those costs because the college career they chose didn’t help them pay their college costs or get ahead in life. We need more people using their hands and minds in the trades and they need to be respected as much as college-oriented students. Kudos for starting this process in Watertown.

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