City Surveying Residents About Qualifications, Characteristics Desired in Next City Manager

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The process to hire the next City Manager for Watertown has begun, and residents can weigh in on what they think the most important qualifications and characteristics for the next chief executive of the City to have.

They survey is being conducted online, and the City sent out the following message:

“Watertown residents, please participate in this citizen survey which is designed to help identify the desired experience and attributes of Watertown’s next City Manager. Your opinions will assist our recruitment consultant and the City Manager Screening Committee as they identify candidates and work to narrow the field to a small group of finalists to submit to the City Council.”

The survey has five questions about the next City Manager:

  • Which professional qualifications are most important
  • Which personal characteristics are most important
  • What challenges and opportunities are most critical for the City Manager to be able to address
  • The most important thing a new City Manager should know about Watertown, and
  • What other information the City Manager Search Committee should know in the search for a new City Manager

Access the public input survey by clicking here.

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