Find Out What it is Like to Serve on a Watertown Board or Commission

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A panel discussion will be held about serving on a City board or commission.

On Thursday, Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. a virtual panel discussion will be held about how to serve on one of the city’s appointed boards or commission. It will cover: what it’s like to serve, how to apply, and what positions are currently open.

The panel will include:

• Amy Plovnick (Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee)

• Janet Buck (Stormwater Advisory Committee)

• Leo Martin (Conservation Commission), and

• Jeanne Trubek (Environment and Energy Efficiency Committee) 

All are invited to attend.

To learn more about the positions currently open, go to our home page and click on “Spotlights”  

The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 13th, at 6:30 p.m. and will be on zoom –

If you can’t make the meeting, a recording will be posted on the City’s webpage.

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